TIckets Auburndale Speedway: Adult $20 | Seniors 60+ $18 | Kids (6-12) $10 (4 & Under Free) | Family Pk (2 adults 2 kids) $55
GPS Address: 5640 K-Ville Avenue, Winter Haven, Florida, 33880
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 686, Auburndale, Florida, 33823
Alcoholic beverages may be purchased inside the facility, but may not exit the gates. Please do not drink and drive. Please choose a designated driver within your group.
The Box Office is open on event nights at 5 PM; earlier for special events. It is located just to the left of the passenger entrance to the speedway.
Auburndale Speedway is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and memorable experience for all guests and we want them to enjoy the experience in a responsible manner. While at the track, please refrain from the following behaviors:
Guests are responsible for their conduct. Speedway staff will promptly intervene to support an environment where guests and others can enjoy the event free from the above behavior. Guest who violate these provisions may be subject to ejection without refund and/or arrest.
Polk County Deputies are on site for all racing events.
Auburndale Speedway prohibits the use of any unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, for any purpose whatsoever on Track Property. A UAV for purposes of this policy is any aircraft without a human pilot aboard. Track personnel may remove anyone using a UAV on Track Property and/or confiscate the UAV until the
event is over.
EMT’s are on site for all racing events and are positioned at Turn 4. If you are unable to go to their location, have someone go to the track office who will then radio for medical assistance to respond to your location.
Lost personal items may be taken to or claimed from the Track Office, located to the East of the Pedestrian Main Entrance.
Parking is free for all events except for major events. A nominal $5 special event parking is collected on site for the following events:
Parking lot gates open two hours prior to the event accept for special events as noted above.
Busses and RV’s may park at the driver’s discretion in our large parking lot for standard events and we offer complimentary parking. For the events mentioned above, they will be directed where to park. Bus/RV Parking is $10 for the special events listed above. Overnight parking/camping is not permitted.
Motorcycles may park for standard events anywhere they feel is safe and not in the way of pedestrian or emergency vehicles. For the special events mentioned above, you will be directed by staff as to where to park.
Guests are free to exit and re-enter the Speedway by having their hand stamped prior to exiting.
The Men’s Room is located to the West of the Concession Stand on the Midway; and at the West end in the Pits. The Women’s Room is located to the East of the Track Office on the Midway; and at the West end in the Pits.
Portalets are added adjacent to the Midway Rest Room locations for the CrashoMania and Monster Truck Shows.
No Smoking in the grandstands. Please go into the grassy areas or the breezeway away from other guests.
Souvenirs are available at the front entrance after you enter the pedestrian gate.
Our standard rate for events are:
The prices and ages vary for special events including Concerts, Monster Truck Shows and Crashomania. This information will be provided separately for each event.
The holder of an admission ticket to Auburndale Speedway expressly assumes all risk incident to the event, whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual event and agrees that all participants, sanctioning bodies, and all employees, agents officers and directors of Auburndale Speedway its affiliates and subsidiaries are hereby released from any and all claims arising from the event, including claims of negligence.
Holder irrevocably grants to HMS and its assigns, licensees affiliates and successors the right to use Holder’s image, likeness, voice, actions and/or statements in all forms and media including composite or modified representations for all purposes including advertising, trade, or any commercial purpose throughout the world and in perpetuity. Holder hereby waives any and all claims that Holder may have for libel, defamation, invasion of privacy or right of publicity, infringement of copyright or violation of any other right arising out of or relating to any utilization of Holder’s image as
described herein.
Tickets for events for most events can be purchased at the event when you arrive.
The Track does offer tickets in advance for the following events: