TIckets Auburndale Speedway: Adult $20 | Seniors 60+ $18 | Kids (6-12) $10 (4 & Under Free) | Family Pk (2 adults 2 kids) $55

Rain Out Policy

In the event of a rain out before half of the nights racing is complete rain checks will be honored at the next 2-scheduled event range (valid only for up to two scheduled races from date of rain out event. Excludes Night of Destruction)  or another can be announced.

1/2 of the program can be the following …

-Heat races and 1 feature completed or if because of length of races or weather issues if a features only format is made, half of the features in would be considered a complete show. If 6 features, 3 get finished it is complete.

-For those in the pits – if show is canceled before racing all arm bands will be honored at next scheduled event or another if announced.

-If the races reach halfway only the drivers that didn’t race will have their arm bands honored at their next scheduled event.

-Any Refunds are done on a case by case basis, you would have to talk to Rex or Colette on that.

We hate to ever have to do the rain out policy but it is necessary to maintain a fair system for everyone.

Thank you !

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